Self Harm Training & Consultancy

Hello, and welcome to our blog on Self Harm & Self Harm Training & Consultancy

We are are the
UK's Leading
provider of Self Harm Training & Consultancy for the Education Sector

We provide self harm training and consultancy for teachers, educational psychologists, learning mentors, school nurses, CAMHS, learning support staff, behavioural support staff, pastoral managers, deputy head teachers, behavioural managers, parent support or parent advisers.

Essentially, we provide training for ALL staff members within schools, colleges and universities who encounter self harming pupils or self harming students.

"Has clarified and structured my thinking about self harm and how I can address it more effectively. Excellently presented - very approachable! Thank you Jennifer!"
Amy Clinch, Educational Psychologist (trainee), Wolverhampton City Council

"This Workshop has given me a clearer understanding of self harm and behaviour. The exercises, including 'beliefs, above/below the line' highlighting their feelings could be used with Primary School children that I work with."
Carol Bramley, Learning Mentor, Highters Heath Community School

Please feel free to comment and share opinions. Alternatively contact US directly using the details on the 'Contact Us' page.

Born to Win!: Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

30 September 2011

Download your FREE REPORT10 Surefire Ways of Self Harm Help For Teachers”



29 September 2011


Get your DISCOUNT here: on my book Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today


Enjoyed lovely steam, sauna and swim yesterday evening! Looking forward to my acquacise this evening



28 September 2011

Just in the middle of sending out some follow up emails about our Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course 25 November 2011. find more info here:



Please tell me what has happened to our education system! More and more parents who join my Easy Tiger Parents Programme are challenged by their level of reading and writing and feel insecure within a group setting for fear of others finding out about their challenge! The Easy Tiger Parents Programme and Easy Tiger Parent System™ generally is very experiential and is not about how much parents write, but rather about HOW MUCH parents DO with their positive learnings!



It’s not so much about what you eat or how much you exercise, but rather what you believe about the YOU – Dr Wayne Dyer



26 September 2011

“Want the horse to be the best, also want the horse not to eat any hay." (Chinese proverb)



24 September 2011

“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving” Oliver Wendell Holmes



23 September 2011

Delivering a self harm training event to 20 teaching support staff in Coventry, UK next month



Had a phone call from a teacher yesterday telling us how our article ‘Food and Self Harm Behaviour’ really helped her to understand some of the underlying issues that some of the self harming pupils at her school are faced with.



22 September 2011

Another teaching support staff signing up for self harm help on The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course,  25 November 2011, Birmingham



21 September 2011

Just breathe! Whatever it is that you are dealing with and struggling to get the results you desire – just breathe into the situation! Relax and breathe and allow your mind to give you the inspirations to bring forth the solutions to bring about the results



How are you unearthing the ‘acres of diamonds’ in yourself today? Many of us go outside of ourselves to find answers and solutions to what we want to be and have. That also includes seeking approval to be. This was one of my own downfalls in the past where I looked to others for approval. Looking within is where the answer is. What are you looking outside of yourself for, that you probably already have within you?



20 September 2011

Read my latest blog on Food and Self Harm Behaviour



Check out the correlation between FOOD and SELF HARM here




I’ve got 91% new visits to my website yippee! Something must be working!


Listening to Mozart at the moment



19 September 2011

Enjoyed my 06.00am walk this morning!



Interviewing a university graduate today for marketing



My next Easy Tiger Parents Programme starts next week – confirming numbers end of this week



I’m currently reading ‘Being in Balance’ by Dr Wayne Dyer. Easy read and helps you to realign your thoughts with your reality



16 September 2011

Hungry but don’t know what to eat right about now! Doing my best to stay well away from WHEAT!



Had a great acquacise session last night! Really good – but the session always goes much too fast!



“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure.” Bill Gates



15 September 2011

I would love to assist in liberating you! Join me on The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course, 25 November 2011 here: - giving you self harm help and self harm awareness



Giving to charities: when you give to charities, do you know if the charity is assisting the recipients to be: responsible, accountable, preserve their dignity and become productive? Or does the charity assist in derode these qualities in their recipients thus making them even more dependent? Does the charities focus on educating its recipients? (Dr Demartini)



We get what we think about whether we want it or not; whether we like it or not! Why not choose to think about what we really really want?




14 September 2011

Your magnificent self is waiting for you to take action to nurture, support and accelerate it. What actions will you take today?



Had another fantastic day yesterday: 3 new delegates for Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course 25 November 2011  - student support staff; teachers; deputy head teachers – all requiring self harm help



Good morning. How are you nurturing and supporting your magnificence today?



12 September 2011

Now that’s what I am talking about! A very decisive manager made the decision, no faffing around, to have Step Up! International in to do some self harm training and consultancy work on self harming pupils or pupils self harming as they needed self harm help for teachers and support staff.



Do you know anyone in the Education Sector who might be having problems with self harming pupils?  If so, please let them know about our Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course, 25 November 2011.  this can be teaching staff or support staff



Love, peace, inspirational blessings and inner healing for anyone personally affected by 9/11.



Are you one of those people that are likely to die with your song still left in you? Still untapped? If yes, what are you going to do about it? When would today be the right time to start to do something about it and make that thing happen!?



Good morning world!



10 September 2011

What are you waiting for when you have a dream to create? A plan to make? A goal to achieve? A ball to have? Success to Claim? Jennifer McLeod



9 September 2011

For more of my inspirational Quotes, google ‘Jennifer McLeod Quotes’



“Step Up! to the song inside of you. Following through with that thing that makes your heart sing is likely to help you find your life purpose. Then you will really have something to sing about!” Jennifer McLeod



“Embrace life as if you really meant it. Treat it like a long-lost very close friend or family member. Now that you have found it, you will want to do everything possible to hold onto it, cherish it; do more for it; love it and make it better.” Jennifer McLeod



To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment!” Ralph Waldo Emerson




Just finished talking to a hot prospect regarding Self Harm training consultancy for support staff.   



8 September 2011

Are You living your ultimate life vision today? If no, do you need some inspiration to get you started? If yes, grab a discounted copy of my book here:  Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today direct from my publishers. ‘Liberating People’ - Liberating You!



Just had another booking for The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course 25 November 2011. To book your place or forward this info to others, find more details here:  



Just one week to go to our Parents Understanding Self Harm Workshop. More info here:  

There’s still time to book your place, but hurry to avoid disappointment!



Looking forward to another new Easy Tiger Parents Programme commencing end of September 2011. Do you know of anyone who would benefit from our Easy Tiger Parents Programme – in groups or one-to-one? Let us know