I talked to one of my prospective clients today. They said that they didn’t have a self harm problem at the moment, but ‘we do have a lot of eating problems here!’ what’s your perception of self harm?
Self Harm Training & Consultancy
We are are the UK's Leading provider of Self Harm Training & Consultancy for the Education Sector
We provide self harm training and consultancy for teachers, educational psychologists, learning mentors, school nurses, CAMHS, learning support staff, behavioural support staff, pastoral managers, deputy head teachers, behavioural managers, parent support or parent advisers.
Essentially, we provide training for ALL staff members within schools, colleges and universities who encounter self harming pupils or self harming students.
"Has clarified and structured my thinking about self harm and how I can address it more effectively. Excellently presented - very approachable! Thank you Jennifer!"Amy Clinch, Educational Psychologist (trainee), Wolverhampton City Council
"This Workshop has given me a clearer understanding of self harm and behaviour. The exercises, including 'beliefs, above/below the line' highlighting their feelings could be used with Primary School children that I work with."
Carol Bramley, Learning Mentor, Highters Heath Community School
Please feel free to comment and share opinions. Alternatively contact US directly using the details on the 'Contact Us' page.
Born to Win!: Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today
How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?
31 March 2011
28 March 2011
25 March 2011
A parent being forced to do parenting programmes doesn’t necessarily work! If the parent is not willing to embrace the learning on the programmes, just like any other course, they are wasting their time. The emphasis for me is to work with the parent in respect of the ROOT CAUSE of their challenges. Inadequate or inappropriate parenting is simply a SYMPTOM of what is going on at the root cause or root level.
24 March 2011
22 March 2011
Often adults talk about young people not taking responsibility for their actions. Often adults haven’t shown young people HOW to take responsibility! That is, adults haven’t lead the way or been a good role model for young people to learn how to take responsibility. Adults? = parents, teachers, society as a whole
21 March 2011
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose. Brian Tracy
15 March 2011
14 March 2011
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most...We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson, American author and lecturer
8 March 2011
To celebrate 100 Years of International Women's Day, vote for the most 'Divine Woman' in the
4 March 2011
2 March 2011
Comparison website states that