Self Harm Training & Consultancy

Hello, and welcome to our blog on Self Harm & Self Harm Training & Consultancy

We are are the
UK's Leading
provider of Self Harm Training & Consultancy for the Education Sector

We provide self harm training and consultancy for teachers, educational psychologists, learning mentors, school nurses, CAMHS, learning support staff, behavioural support staff, pastoral managers, deputy head teachers, behavioural managers, parent support or parent advisers.

Essentially, we provide training for ALL staff members within schools, colleges and universities who encounter self harming pupils or self harming students.

"Has clarified and structured my thinking about self harm and how I can address it more effectively. Excellently presented - very approachable! Thank you Jennifer!"
Amy Clinch, Educational Psychologist (trainee), Wolverhampton City Council

"This Workshop has given me a clearer understanding of self harm and behaviour. The exercises, including 'beliefs, above/below the line' highlighting their feelings could be used with Primary School children that I work with."
Carol Bramley, Learning Mentor, Highters Heath Community School

Please feel free to comment and share opinions. Alternatively contact US directly using the details on the 'Contact Us' page.

Born to Win!: Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

31 May 2010

Build your confidence and learn techniques to help you deal with real issues.  Self Harm Training with Jennifer McLeod.

29 May 2010

28 May 2010

Signing certificates for delegates who attended last weeks Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course in Birmingham. Look forward to signing certificates for more future delegates for our 26 November 2010 Course in Birmingham.

Just having Certificates printed for delegates of The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course that took place last week in Birmingham



21 May 2010

‘All you have to do to receive your divine inheritance is to change your old way of thinking’ John Randolph Price



20 May 2010

Develop or regain your self confidence here





Employers give greater consideration to employees who take on home study courses, on the basis that anyone giving up part of their spare time to study at home shows leadership qualities. Napoleon Hill



Take part in my Self confidence poll here



One delegate on The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course over the last couple days has seen self harm triple amongst young people at your workplace in the last few years. This also includes an increase in young men exhibiting self harm behaviour



19 May 2010

Step Up! To Your Confidence Course is selling like hot cakes! Not reserved your ticket yet? If not, reserve your place here



Have you taken part in my ‘self confidence’ poll yet? If not, take part on my blogsite here



The most important thing is that they have left the course with a range of tools and solutions to solve their own situations and most importantly, to be able to assist young people more effectively



What support are you getting from your workplace/employer? Some delegates have shared that they have work overload with dealing with young people self harming but no one else at their workplace knows what they are doing! Very scary!?



One thing that is even more apparent from running The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Courses is that agencies who are supposed to be working together for the benefit of the young person, are not always ‘working’ together and not communicating as effectively as they could and so unfortunately the young person is left to struggle by themselves to deal with their self harming or other challenges that they might be dealing with.



Had my second day of The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course. Another successful course for delegates



17 May 2010

‘The most important stresses for man are emotional… it is not the event but rather our interpretation of it that causes our emotional reaction.’



‘If you want to know what your thoughts were like yesterday, then check how your body feels today.’ Indian proverb



Last day of preparation for my 2 day Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course tomorrow in Birmingham, UK





16 May 2010

Please take part in my ‘Self Confidence’ Poll



Have a confidence building and self confidence building day today!



Needing some confidence and self confidence today?



14 May 2010

Today is the last opportunity to book a place on The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course



Have you considered what would cause someone to accuse an adult of ‘False Memory Syndrome’ if and when they revealed memories of child abuse? Is it any wonder why some of them now wear self harm bracelets or self injury bracelets?



Have you considered what would cause someone to contemplate suicide and self harm? Some people may think programs for troubled teens self harm, self harm awareness is for everyone. Of 142,000 hospital admittances for self harm, only 19,000 were teens and young people.  Celebrities who self harm do not help the situation



‘A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child.’ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



‘I think adults who self-injure need to be acknowledged. Focusing on teens takes away the importance of self-injury in older adults.’ Flut



The fabulous ‘two’s’! let’s change our mindsets and expressions about two year olds. Imagine if an adult had an accident which meant that they had to re-learn how to talk and express themselves. You can imagine, can’t you, that they would be elements of frustration on their journey of recovery. What stops us then giving this same level of understanding to a two year old who is learning a range of new things every single day and struggles to communicate their wishes, wants, needs and desires?

It’s our lack of understanding and acceptance of their challenges at this frustrating time that drives them ‘express their frustrations usually through tantrums and the excessive use of the word ‘NO’

Some teenagers pressures: peer pressure and acceptance; strive for independence; sexual expressions and when; sexuality



13 May 2010

Just 2 more working days until my Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course 18 May in Birmingham, UK




12 May 2010

It’s not just young people that self harm. Adults and young children also self harm



11 May 2010

Still sifting through leads from attending Primary Care exhibition at NEC last week



10 May 2010

Just been interviewed by Polish journalist for Polish Republic newspaper about child abuse being taught to children in primary schools. What are your thoughts?



Meeting with Youth Offending Team this week re self harm awareness



Meeting with the NHS shortly to discuss self harm



The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course taking place in 7 days



7 May 2010

Fine tuning my calendar of events re parents and self harm. Events are open to individuals, parents and professionals




6 May 2010

Just fine tuning my calendar of Self Harm & Parents training events for the rest of the 2010